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Martin Pearce

Author & Writing Consultant


Martin's first commissioned book was Spymaster, the biography of legendary Head of MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield. Published by Penguin Random House, Spymaster topped several bestseller lists and has featured in the international press. 


That success has brought Martin further book commissions, magazine, speech and copywriting assignments and public speaking engagements. He won an Author's Foundation Award for new writers, and Spymaster has been included in The Spectator's Books of the Year. 





Whichever service you choose, you can be assured it will be personal and tailored to your needs.


Authors' coaching

Want to write a book but don't know where to start? Self-publishing has never been easier, but many projects fail because authors don't get their content right before going to press. Your book can and should be the best creative thing you ever do. Let Martin guide you through the process, help develop your style, and explore ways of getting published.


Ghost writing

Have you got a story you'd like to tell? It could be fiction or non fiction,  illustrated or not. Maybe your family history,  or the biography of a family member  that deserves to be told? Martin can bring your story to life, with detailed research and illustrations to suit. It will look and feel exactly like your own work.


After dinner speaking

Tailored to any audience, stories about spies adjusted to any context are always very popular. Martin is in regular demand with sports clubs, social groups, business clubs such as Rotary and Probus, historical societies and bigger organistions such as the National Trust.


Literary festivals and book clubs

From big public events such as the Edinburgh Festival to smaller, private groups, Martin talks about his books, writing and getting published. Panel appearances have included two person events with authors such as Ben Macintyre, Charles Cumming and Stephen Booth. Martin has featured on television and radio, discussing books and espionage, including a grilling by John Humphrys on BBC Radio 4's Today programme.


Speech writing

Whether it's for a Best Man's speech, a business presentation or a political audience, Martin will provide you with a fully-written speech to your brief, or take your own words and polish them so you can be confident that what  you want to say will captivate your audience. He'll also advise on tone and presentation to make sure that what can be a nerve-wracking experience is both effective and enjoyable. 


Articles and copywriting

As a regular contributor to a range of magazines and in-house business literature, Martin provides meticulously researched pieces to any word-count, brief or deadline, and on virtually any subject. Recent work has included lifestyle articles for France Magazine, and copy for sales brochures for a major property developer. 


Other projects

Martin is experienced in assisting students to give their dissertations "sparkle", copy editing, and specific consultancy work for a range of projects. He is always glad to consider proposals where he can add creative or financial value.


Bring stories to life
Fire your imagination
Master the art of writing



I grew up on a farm in the heart of the beautiful Peak District, before going on to study at Newcastle University and developing a passion for books and writing. 


While working in a variety of areas I was always a frustrated writer, but for years this was just for pleasure and involved small articles and rugby match reports for the local press. 


I had for years harboured an idea that I might one day write about my great uncle, Sir Maurice Oldfield, but had no idea where to start on such a project. In 2013 I decided if I didn't do it now,  Maurice's story would be left to be written by the unreliable and the disreputable - and I started on this huge adventure. Over the next few years I had a fast-track masterclass in drafting proposals, dealing with agents, editing: every aspect of getting in to print professionally. 


It's often said that everyone has a book in them, which is something I believe to be absolutely true. For some that may be pen and paper and their own hand, for others by sparking someone else to bring it to life. Either way, there can be few more exhilarating experiences than holding your own work in a beautifully bound book. 


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"An excellent talk yesterday evening on a topic that clearly captured the imagination of the public. It was a brilliant event, thank you. "
Lichfield & District National Trust
"With Martin's help my nerves held out and my speech was a triumph."
R.W. (Sheffield)
"An exemplary biography"
The Spectator
"A thoroughly engrossing and entertaining debate"
Magnus Linklater - Edinburgh Festival
"Martin Pearce has done a marvellous job of bringing to life the legend that was Maurice Oldfield."
Frederick Forsyth
"A gripping and candid account of a brilliant man."
The Times
"Our group was inspired by Martin's warm, personal talk about getting into print as a first-time author."
Derby Book Club



Every project is tailored to the client's needs. Martin will gladly provide a fixed price for your project, an hourly rate, or a bespoke solution to your requirements. There are no hidden costs.


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